20+ Proven StoryBrand Website Examples for Inspiration

Explore Beautiful StoryBrand Website Examples

Discover the power of StoryBrand websites through 20+ compelling examples, where creativity meets clarity to transform your online presence.

When browsing through various StoryBrand website examples, you may notice a trend toward generic designs that seem to overlook the importance of user experience and creativity.

This pattern often emerges because many StoryBrand Certified Guides, being skilled copywriters, naturally focus on the written messaging as the linchpin of success. But at our StoryBrand Agency, we take it a step further.

We firmly believe that the fusion of visual storytelling with clear written messaging unlocks a more dynamic and compelling website. By striking this balance, we craft unique sites that are thoughtfully designed to optimize the selling environment.

As you explore our handpicked examples of standout StoryBrand websites, you'll appreciate the care and intention behind each one, reflecting our commitment to both visual and content design.

Key Takeaway in this StoryBrand Website Example Guide

What are StoryBrand websites and why are they effective?

StoryBrand websites excel in clarity, relevance, and compelling content, guiding visitors to engage with your brand. They effectively utilize the StoryBrand Framework, a seven-part messaging tool that places the customer as the hero, with the brand as their guide. This approach in storytelling and messaging makes these websites uniquely effective.

StoryBrand website stages

StoryBrand Companies — Examples of the Best StoryBrand Websites

Explore our Story Brand website inspirations from WordPress to Shopify to Hubspot. Each one of these sites utilizes the StoryBrand Framework - a seven-part messaging tool that helps businesses clarify their brand message. It’s rooted in storytelling, placing the customer as the hero and the brand as the guide.

Sabre IT Services

Sabre IT Services - IT Support for Ohio-Based Organizations

Tech support that doesn't make you want to scream into a pillow.

Rare, right?

But Sabre IT Services nails it. Here's why:

  1. Clear as day headline "Keep Your Business Moving Forward with Proactive IT Support." No jargon. No fluff. Just what you get.
  2. Problem? Solved. "When your technology fails, your business stalls." They get it. You're not alone.
  3. Columbus, we have a solution Local focus. Global impact. They're not trying to be everything to everyone.
  4. Action, not words "Schedule a Discovery Call" Bright orange button. Impossible to miss.They're ready when you are.
  5. People, not robots Smiling faces in the background. Real humans solving real problems.
  6. Short and sweetEvery word counts.No rambling. No corporate speak. Just the facts, ma'am.
  7. Logo that speaks volumesSimple. Sleek. Smart.Two halves of a circle. Like tech and business, coming together. It's not just a pretty face.I t's their promise, crystallized.
Cybersecurity Service

Sabre doesn't just talk the talk.
They walk the walk.

And their website?
It's the map that guides you there.

No wrong turns. No dead ends.
Just straight to the point.

That's StoryBrand in action. That's how you win customers.
That's how you keep them.

But wait, there's more...

We didn't stop at words.
We went full makeover.

New messaging? Check.
Stunning StoryBrand website? Double check.
Fresh visual identity? Triple check.

Words meet design.
Perfect harmony.

That's Sabre's new look.
Inside and out.

Visual Identity Design for Sabre IT Services
Brand Development for Sabre IT Services

Focus Company - a chaos management consultancy

"Nothing feels worse as a leader than drowning in organizational dysfunction. We dive in, unravel the chaos, and help you implement the missing systems that keep your team focused on its goals." (One-liner)

The Focus Company nailed it.

Verbal. Visual. All rooted in StoryBrand.

We dug deep. Crafted carefully.

The result?

A website that punches you in the face with clarity.

(In a good way.)

It's compelling too. Makes you want to read more.

That's the power of StoryBrand done right.

Want to see how we did it? Check out the home and service pages below.

Chaos Management Consulting - The Focus Company

The Focus Company - Chaos Management Consulting Services.

Greenlight Traffic Engineering

Greenlight Traffic Engineering is more than just a traffic engineering firm – it's your dedicated partner in navigating the complexities of traffic studies and designs.  Unlike other firms that simply deliver reports, Greenlight understands that your project's success hinges on more than just data. They offer proactive solutions, quick turnarounds, and personalized support to ensure your real estate development, legal case, or infrastructure project not only stays on track but actually thrives. With Greenlight, your project gains a trusted partner who is as invested in its success as you are, propelling it forward every step of the way.

This unique approach stems from Greenlight's understanding that developers and public agencies often feel underserved by traditional traffic engineering firms. Greenlight fills this gap by providing the proactive service and expert guidance that these clients truly need. This commitment to partnership is reflected not only in Greenlight's service, but also in its refreshed brand identity – a verbal and visual language designed to resonate with their ideal clients and communicate their dedication to propelling projects forward.

We're proud of the work that GTE does and proud of our partnership as their StoryBrand Guides.

From hero to footer, a beautifully and clear StoryBrand website.

VEED.io - Online Video Maker

The learning curve for Adobe Premier is difficult. So it's not an effective tool for every business to create engaging videos. Welcome VEED.io a cloud-based video editor for anyone who wants to make a great video that is fast and looks professional.

One of the new products of VEED is there AI text-to-video This is where you can easily convert your ideas into videos, utilizing VEED's text-to-video AI tool, text-to-voice, stock footage and background music.

VEED AI TEXT to video

VEED really brings its tools to life on its platform by letting you dive right into creating videos with its AI video text to video creator. It’s like getting a test drive of their cool features, such as the AI text-to-video capabilities and voiceovers, right from your first visit.

This hands-on approach is not just fun but also super effective in showing how easy and efficient it is to create professional-looking videos with VEED. It’s a smart way to catch the interest of potential users by demonstrating the value and ease of the product firsthand!

The main lesson for SaaS and product-driven brands?

Show your product in action.

Almost every B2B website, whether it’s a SaaS or an AI tool like VEED, will have images and illustrations. However, it’s not just about having any images; it’s about having the right ones that visually communicate your product's value.

Nothing is more important than showing actual screenshots or pictures of the tool—just show me the software!

The words on your website matter, and so does your design. Getting both right is crucial for an effective StoryBrand website that engages.

Law Firm Velocity

Law Firm Velocity serves as a textbook example of a StoryBrand-aligned website, expertly navigating the narrative of specialized accounting for law firms.

Law Firm Velocity - Experts in law firm accounting and finance.

The website is structured to walk visitors through a clear journey, from identifying the problem—inefficient and unspecialized accounting—to offering a solution that is not just about numbers but about enabling growth and compliance. Features like 'Expert, On-Time Financial Reports' and 'Profit-Focused Financial Statements' are not mere service listings; they are chapters in a story that ends with the law firm achieving financial mastery and growth.

Dirt Legal

StoryBrand website example - dirt legal
DirtLegal.com - Register and Title any Vehicle from any State. Guaranteed.

DirtLegal.com is the hero's guide in the epic tale of conquering DMV bureaucracy. When avid off-road enthusiasts find themselves entangled in the red tape of vehicle registration, DirtLegal.com swoops in to pave a new path to freedom. With clear, bold messaging, they offer a lifeline to those who simply want to cut through the DMV's complexities and hit the open road legally. This StoryBrand-aligned website doesn't just offer a service; it offers a victorious ending to a story many have found themselves trapped in.

When a solution seems too good to be true, the burden of proof is on the provider. DirtLegal.com understands this and tackles skepticism head-on.

Many customers initially doubt the possibility of getting their off-road vehicles street-legal without the hassle of stepping foot in the DMV. To dispel these doubts, we wanted to showcase their track record of success: every month, they help an average of over 800 customers gain the freedom to ride their off-road vehicles wherever they please.

This not only serves as compelling social proof but also positions DirtLegal.com as an authoritative guide in the journey to bypass DMV bureaucracy


On a mission to make video creation easy for everyone, Synthesia is leading the adoption of its video creation platform because of a great product as well as clear messaging. Let's take a look at some key elements in this example of a StoryBrand website.

Storybrand website example
synthesia.io — the #1 AI Video creation platform | Click Image to Enlarge
The Hero
  • Clear benefit, coupled with exactly what the hero wants "To create professional looking videos, super fast!"
  • Your Value Stacks doesn't always have to be below the hero, you can use your three key points as part of your hero copy
The Problem Section
  • To create high-quality, professional videos, generally runs you into the thousands of dollars. Synthesia, elevates their value by agitating the problems usually felt by creating 'traditional' videos. Instead of leaving you with the problem, the failure and success sectionof their story is strategically placed side by side.


Too many online courses for UX/UI teach technique but fail to show you how it works in the real world. UI Learn teaches you the skills hiring managers look for so you can stand out from the competition and build your career.

StoryBrand website example
UI Learn StoryBrand Website Example
What the character wants example
What the character wants from our StoryBrand Messaging Playbook Package
A Simple Plan | from our StoryBrand Messaging Playbook Package

Highlights from this example

  • Clear call to action
  • A balance of beautiful visuals and clear copy
  • The problem clearly agitated "why can't I get hired?"
  • The solution clearly highlighted

Aerospace Rotables

Disappointing service and expensive surprises are all too common in the landing gear overhaul process. At Aerospace Rotables, their proven track record for reliable results and cost-effective solutions keeps airlines on budget and off the ground.

Let's take a closer look at this Story Brand website example.

Landing Gear Overhaul Process
Hero and Value Stack
The Hero
  • Explains the value they provide (title)
  • Explains how they help their clients create this value (subtitle)
  • Clear call to action
Storybrand b2b example
Problem Section
The Problem Section
  • Agitate the tangible problem (external) airlines experience regarding landing gear overhaul services.
  • Highlights three of the most common issues airlines face instead of a laundry of lists
  • Then below the problem section, they highlight their authority clearly and show what success looks like by focusing on their value delivery model.

Whole Harvest Landing Page

This is our second project with Whole Harvest, a 100% whole food plant-based meal delivery service.

Whole Harvest's meals are uniquely crafted to combat heart disease without sacrificing taste for health. For this particular landing page campaign, we utilized the StoryBrand website blueprint as our design framework.

Whole Food Plant Based Diet for Reversing Heart Disease | WholeHarvest.com

Pay attention to the design elements in this example:

  • The hero section explains the value Whole Harvest meals provide "Reversing Heart Disease with Delicious Plant-Based Meals".
  • The subtitle communicates how they deliver on their promise "ready-to-eat", "chef-prepared meals", "delivered to your front door", "so you can easily stay on track in your fight against heart disease".
  • We used a video collage to show their ideal customers living a health and joyful life.
  • Throughout the landing page, we used the authority of leading studies to highlight the research-backed benefits of a whole food plant based diet.

Comparison tables can be utilized in marketing to highlight the unique benefits of your brand, a technique referred to as the focusing illusion in behavioral science.

To create an effective website using StoryBrand principles, we suggest experimenting with and testing various modules beyond the standard examples. The ultimate objective of any website is to provide the right information to the target audience at the right time, inspiring them to take action.

A comparison chart can be a potent visual tool that directs your customers' attention to your brand's essential value proposition.


Homeschooling families want to focus on joyfully nurturing and teaching their children, but too much time is wasted on keeping life organized. Skipper.io is the all-in-one tool to help learning communities teach and learn together in one central place.

See Skipper.io
  • Without Skipper: you're probably wondering how you will create a homeschooling environment where you're not feeling overwhelmed, and your children are thriving with their schoolwork. Homeschooling at times feels scattered, you feel disorganized, your children fall behind with their schoolwork, important events slip, and it's a challenge to personalize + teach multiple children at once.
  • With Skipper: You'll be feeling like ”hey, we got this”. All of your homeschool activities, courses, grades, to-dos, events, and communication will be organized in one place, your children will be getting their school work done effectively, and you’ll be on top of things, and a sense of calm will set in.
  • Visual Communication as important: Once you clarify your marketing messaging strategy with StoryBrand, it's not just your copy that becomes clear but how you communicate visually. Skipper's website clearly communicates using both words and visuals.

Play Like a Girl

Far too many girls who would thrive in STEM+ careers never get the chance. Play a Like a Girl guides young women through the most critical window of their lives with a combination of sports clinics, STEM+ training, and mentorships so they can imagine a future with unlimited potential.

This is a nonprofit example.

Storybrand nonprofit website example
Play Like a Girl

During our collaboration with Play Like a Girl, we were able to leverage the power of the StoryBrand framework to help them refine and strengthen their messaging. By clarifying their brand's message and positioning, we were able to help Play Like a Girl connect more effectively with their target audience to clearly illustrate the picture of success.

Using StoryBrand allowed us to identify and hone in on the key elements of Play Like a Girl's messaging, ensuring that their brand message was clear, concise, and compelling.

Veitas Engineers

  • Type: B2B StoryBrand Website
  • CMS: Wordpress Custom

Veitas Engineers are a multifamily engineering firm. They work with leading architects, developers, and GCs to transform high-density living in Boston and across the North East US.

Our team collaborated with Veitas new principals to craft a new and powerful message and design-build a custom website to showcase their process and portfolio. The result, a clarified marketing message, powered by the StoryBrand Framework.

Engineering StoryBrand Website Example
Veitas Engineers - Multifamily Building Engineers
  • Hero Statement: "Structural Engineers who support the vision for your multi-unit construction project."
  • One-liner example: Multi-unit construction often feels defined by what can’t be done. Our flexible structural engineering process creates possibilities so we can support your vision for the project.
  • Philosophical: There should be an engineering process that focuses on the possible and makes it easier to build stunning, unique multi-family structures.
Problem and Authority Section Examples
Problem and Authority Section Examples

Whole Harvest

  • Type: B2C StoryBrand Website
  • CMS: Shopify Custom

Not everything labelled “plant-based” is created equally.

Today, “Plant-based” is used as a buzzword to sell processed, not-so-healthy stuff.

And many “plant-based” meal delivery services make compromises to cut costs.

Whole Harvest helps you trade the struggle for an authentic experience you can savor and enjoy.

Shopify StoryBrand Website Example
Whole Harvest | Whole Food Plant Based Meal Delivery Service
  • Identity Transformation: [From: Struggling to eat whole food plant-based meals] [To: Savoring them and the quality of life they provide]
  • What the character wants: An easier way to eat 100% whole food plant-based.
  • Belief Statement: "Not everything labeled “plant-based” is created equally"
Authority Copy Example
  • Ready to Eat – Our chefs have done the shopping, chopping, and cooking for you, and everything is shipped right to your front door.
  • 100% Whole Foods Plant-Based – We don’t cut any corners. When we say whole foods, plant-based - we mean it.
  • 100% Fresh – Nothing is ever frozen. We deliver fresh food for peak nutrition and hydration.
  • 100% Clean – Our meals are cooked without oil or added sugars. They’re low sodium, gluten free dairy free, and we use Non-GMO, Organic ingredients whenever possible.
How it works page Design


  • Type: B2B StoryBrand Website
  • CMS: Hubspot Custom

Finzly helps banks finally break free from the constraints of legacy core and launch new financial products with unprecedented agility and speed.

Fintech StoryBrand Website Example (Hubspot)
Finzly.com | Modern Banking OS
  • The Controlling Idea — Banks are constrained by the limitations of Legacy Core to Free (to innovate, collaborate, and compete).
  • What the Character Wants— Greater speed and agility in launching new financial products
  • The Problem — Legacy core can't keep up. It takes too much time and money to meet the demands of the modern financial market.
  • Philosophical — Finzly believes every bank deserves the opportunity to innovate and compete

Our team worked with Finzly to redefine their marketing messaging and design-build a fully custom Hubspot StoryBrand website.

Philosophical Statement - example

Organic Traditions

Here's a great example of a Shopify StoryBrand website from our client Organic Traditions.

  • Type: B2C StoryBrand Website
  • CMS: Shopify Custom
StoryBrand Website Example - Organic Traditions
OrganicTraditions.com | Superfood blends

Organic Traditions is on a mission to make superfoods more accessible to everyone.

We used their mission as the controlling idea for their new messaging and Shopify website redesign strategy.

Pacific Geomatics (Wordpress Website Example)

The options for satellite imagery are endless. Pacific Geomatics (Pacgeo) guides their clients to the right images for their project so clients can gain clarity about the critical decisions in front of them and keep moving forward.

Pacific Geomatics Limited | Pacgeo.com

Key Takeaways

  • In a competitive landscape, you need a clear narrative that helps you differentiate.
  • You need a clearly stated problem that helps you create a thesis around your approach to solving your client's biggest challenge.
  • Then, you need to express the right empathy and communicate how your brand is best suited to help the hero seize the day.

Pacific Geomatics is not just another satellite imagery company but a partner that helps you get the best satellite images from the most advanced satellites in space.

Smart Trucking

Every month, over 100,000 aspiring and pro truck drivers across North America rely on Smart-Trucking.com for advice, encouragement, and how-tos to better navigate the industry.

Our team helped clarify Smart-Trucking's umbrella messaging using StoryBrand.

With clear and concise messaging as Smart Trucking's foundation, we re-designed and developed a custom Wordpress Theme to enhance the reader experience and performance of the site.

Storybrand website example - Wordpress Directory
Smart-Trucking - Wordpress Custom Theme
Key Highlights
  • What the Character Wants: The knowledge, skills, and guidance necessary to become a successful driver.
  • External Problem: A successful trucking career is tougher than ever because formal training is limited and ongoing guidance is hard to find
  • Internal Problem: Uncertain of the best path forward
  • Philosophical: Aspiring truck drivers ought to have a community where they can get straight answers, good advice, and help in successfully navigating the twists and turns in trucking.

Adrette (Squarespace Example)

Custom window treatment options can be overwhelming. With Adrette’s expert guidance, you will make confident decisions and enjoy a warm, inviting space transformed by beautiful, functional drapes and shades.

Squarespace storybrand website example
Adrette | Custom Window Coverings in Portland
  • Problem: Custom Window Treatment Options Can Be Overwhelming
  • Internal feeling: A custom design opens up endless possibilities, but trying to sort through them on your own can feel overwhelming.
  • Philosophical statement: We believe you deserve guidance that helps you save time and avoid costly mistakes.

Let's continue to look at a few more Story Brand website design examples.

Hues Flowers

Flowers send a meaningful message to the people you care about, and old-school, traditional designs feel impersonal and cold. Hues Florist create bespoke, artisan bouquets that give you fresh, stylish new options for speaking straight from the heart.

We collaborated with the wonderful Hues Team on their upcoming new messaging strategy using the Framework. In addition to their messaging strategy, we proposed a new and improved website design to elevate their online customer experience. You can preview their StoryBrand Website below.

Example Headline Copy
  • Beautifully Unique Bouquets in Jeddah.
  • Bespoke bouquets that wow.
Example Sub Headline Copy
  • Bespoke bouquets to make an impression for any special occasion.
  • Beautiful, artisan flower arrangements that make an impression.
  • Smiles on every side. On yours when you see the design and the people you care about when they receive it.

StoryBrand Website Example Flower Shop

Ox and Pine Leather Goods (Shopify)

A StoryBrand Website Example using Shopify for an Ecommerce site
Ox & Pine - a StoryBrand Website Example | See OxandPine.com

If there’s one thing we all want, it’s to be remembered, so it’s no wonder we’re drawn to personalized, handmade leather goods. When they’re made right, whether you’re journaling, giving a gift, or making a statement, they make you unforgettable.

  • Headline copy — explains the true value they provide to their customers
  • Social Proof - Makes it believable and adds trust
  • Visual — Let's their customers see their product and showcases what successes looks like for the customer after they've received or purchased one of their products
  • Key Successes/Value — clearly visible below the hero image

Dimartech (B2B Custom Website)

Dimartech engineers and manufactures custom industrial process equipment from pressure vessels to air separators to reactor vessels.

Dimartech Engineering StoryBrand Website Example
  • Clear call to action across every main page
  • Clean and uncluttered website design
  • Good use of imagery to compliment its messaging

Wild & Org

Mobile StoryBrand Website Example
StoryBrand Mobile  Example - Wild&Org

Wild&Org is an up and coming lifestyle cafe brand from Saudi Arabia.

As their StoryBrand consultants, we helped craft their brand narrative, mission statement, and core values. We’re currently serving as the brands’ interim Brand Director working with their team and partners in setting them up for a successful launch.

Here's a sneak-peak of the brand's new website, tons of StoryBrand website example components baked into the design.

StoryBrand website example for food, lifestyle brand
StoryBrand Website Example: Wild&Org

TMFG (Financial Industry)

Most people don’t know if they’ll have enough income during retirement. The McClelland Financial Group, makes sure you have a clear financial plan that lets you retire with confidence and enjoy the next chapter of your life.

TMFG's website is a great example of a high-performing StoryBrand website for Financial Planning services.

StoryBrand Website Example Financial Planning
The McClelland Financial Group of Assante Capital Management Ltd.
| TMFG.ca

Key Takeaways

When you're one of the top awarded financial planning firms across Canada because of your long history of commitment to your clients, you need to state the obvious and not get too technical about checking all of the StoryBrand framework guidelines.

When a high-net-worth individual or family is looking for a trusted financial planner, they want the trust, expertise, and peace of mind that they're working with a leading company.

TMFG is one of those top-performing firms.

As their StoryBrand team, we ensured their story clearly invited clients into a narrative that touches on the long history of helping clients achieve their financial goals.

Alpha Graphics (WooCommerce StoryBrand)

Big, custom print jobs can be overwhelming. Alpha Graphics make it easier by giving you expert guidance and printing the high-quality graphics and signs you need to promote your business with confidence.  

Storybrand website example - Alphagraphics.ca
Alpha Graphics & Signs | Custom Signs & Banners

Key Takeaways

The StoryBrand Framework provides a helpful structure for creating websites that start sales conversations.

When creating an effective website, there are some non-negotiable requirements, such as a clear headline message and a strong call to action button.

The new and improved Alpha Graphics & Signs is a great e-commerce StoryBrand website example.

  • Clear headline message- no fluff or cute words, explains what Alpha Graphics & Signs does and for who
  • Explains how they create value for their customers in the sub-title
  • Being an e-commerce as well as a local business with close to 100 unique products, the site helps visitors find what they're looking for through clear category headlines, featured products, and category product sections. (In the next round of updates, a dynamic search tool will be made available)

HMH Legal (Law Firm StoryBrand)

Making sales on credit in Mexico feels like too big of a risk. HMH Legal law firm gives you a reliable solution for debt collection and helps you prevent further issues so you can engage the market with confidence.

As far as B2B StoryBrand website examples go, HMH Legal checks all the boxes. Let's take a closer look.

StoryBrand Website Example - HMH Legal
HMH Legal | Debt Collection in Mexico | Law Firm
Key takeaways

In this B2B StoryBrand website example, here our key takeaways:

  • A great example of an umbrella brand narrative and a targeted StoryBrand brandscript for each key main service
  • Simple but professional website design
  • Includes a well-structured flow based on the StoryBrand Website Framework

Becker Hillier (StoryBrand for Financial Industry)

At Joseph Becker Financial Planning, they help you be confident about your financial future through their Wealth 3-Step-Plan that ends with you growing your money today and protecting it for the long-term.

StoryBrand website example - Creativeo
Becker Hillier Financial Planning | BHFinancialPlanning.ca

If you're looking for a Financial Planning StoryBrand website example, explore the key elements from Becker Hillier Wealth Management.

Key takeaways
  • Title explains the value the client will get: Be confident about your financial future
  • Sub-title answers how BH Wealth Management helps their client achieve the desired value
  • Clear call to action - an invitation to Meet
  • The home page servers as an umbrella StoryBrand narrative. Above the fold offers access to two specific services

Beta KIDS (Shopify StoryBrand)

Most parents feel powerless to protect their kids from getting sick. Beta KIDS gives you the most effective natural supplement available for supercharging a kid’s immune system so you can have fewer sick days and less disruption to your family’s routine.

Below is a custom Shopify website example for BetaKIds.

StoryBrand Website Example from a StoryBrand Guide
Beta KIDS | The All-Natural Immunity Booster for Kids | BetaKIDS.com
Key takeaways
  • The original headline was"Protect Your Children from Getting Sick," which is the desired outcome for moms looking for a natural and effective way to boost their child's immunity system. However, we changed this to"The All-Natural Immunity Booster for Kids"- as this is what their ideal customers search for on Google. Sometimes, you have to step outside the framework to ensure your messaging better fits your perfect client.
  • As a new product, we still wanted to make the claim believable; thus we brought up the social proof which tends to belong in the authority section of your page. Again, something that falls outside the StoryBrand framework.
  • Clear call to action - Try Beta KIDS Now (we will be A/B testing various options here but this is the default for now)
  • The problem section anchored against a common notion -The problem is, multivitamin supplements alone don’t seem to make much difference in preventing fewer sick days, which leaves you ..."

AI Guides (Custom Wordpress Website)

Most businesses who try to use artificial intelligence fail because they’ve been matched to the wrong vendors and services. AI Guides provides vendor-agnostic guidance to the right solutions for your environment so you can tap into the power and potential of AI.

AI Guides - StoryBrand Website Example
Landing Page Experiment for AI Guides - an independent, AI Advisory Guides
Key takeaways
  • This is an experiment landing page for AI Guides, but every aspect of the site follows a beautiful clear and concise story using the StoryBrand framework
  • When businesses look to implement AI in their organization, there's a lot of uncertainty about where to start, who to team up, what tools to use, and how to get the benefit from an AI project.

  • Meet AI Guides, Your independent, AI Advisory Guides who know what needs to happen and who’s qualified to help you so your journey with AI for your organization begins with a clear path to success.

Cause Leadership (Custom B2B Website)

Your nonprofit shouldn’t have to compromise when searching for a highly qualified leader because due to lack of budget. Cause Leadership helps leading Canadian nonprofits & charities find and hire their next great leader for less than the traditional executive search fees.

Cause Leadership
Cause Leadership | helping mission driven organizations find and hire their next great leader.
Key takeaways
  • The title is clear and tells you exactly what Cause Leadership does.
  • The subtitle establishes Cause Leadership clearly against their competitors (flat-fee vs commission-based executive search)
  • Invites their ideal clients into a clear story
  • A call to action that fulfills the value of what the title promises
  • A website design that compliments its StoryBrand message narrative
  • A simple but compelling lead generator

Levity Home (eCommerce Example)

Life is messy. Accidents happen, specially on your new furniture you just bought. You should feel at home in your home. Levity makes furniture that eliminates the stress that often accompanies the mess, so you can live more life in your own home with furniture that is built to last.

LevityHomes.com StoryBrand Example
LevityHomes.com is a LA-based furniture store. Chairs with machine washable covers.
Key takeaways

Though not your traditional StoryBrand website, Levity Homes is a brand that is clear and concise with the problem it solves for their clients. Let's take a look at a few key highlights:

  • Chairs with machine washable covers. Every furniture designed by LevityHomes gives you the peace of mind that every piece has a machine washable chair cover.
  • The site is clear on what problem is solves "there had to be a better solution to everyday messes than ill-fitting slipcovers or living with stains."
  • LevityHome's messaging works because they designed/created their product in mind to solve a real life problem for so many who desire beautiful furniture for real life
  • Note: to startups who are in the early stage of product design, don't skip StoryBranding your product

Leads at Scale (B2B Example)

Most businesses struggle to generate well-qualified B2B leads at scale.  

Enter the team at Leads at Scale.

Leadsatscale.com helps companies generate well-qualified B2B leads and sales appointments at scale, ready to be closed.

StoryBrand Website Example #1 – Leads at Scale
Leads at Scale - Outbound Sales Company | StoryBrand Website Example
Key takeaways for this B2B StoryBrand Website
  • Each key service page follows a clear and concise StoryBrand script
  • Visible and strong call to action throughout the site
  • Engaging StoryBrand Lead Generator through the Sales MRI questionnaire
  • Clear and compelling successes and failure for each key service
  • A clear call to action

Tearfund (Nonprofit StoryBrand Example)

It's not okay that roughly 729 million people are living in extreme poverty. The solution to poverty is more than physical, it’s spiritual too. Instead of handouts, you will be partnering with local churches to permanently lift families out of poverty.

StoryBrand Website Example #2 – Tearfund | nonprofit
Tearfund Canada
Key takeaways
  • Clean and effective design
  • Great balance between mission-based and donor-based brandscripts
  • Why Tearfund vs other nonprofits fighting poverty (Tearfund knows who their hero is)

Silvermark (B2B Custom Website)

StoryBrand Website Example

Silvermark works as an advisory group to private, public, and nonprofit organizations to improve the quality of life for older adults.

They partner with leaders who share their commitment in championing the needs of older adults. Everything they do is based on the belief that aging is a time to be respected, celebrated and honoured. Older adults deserve the same level of investment in innovation as everyone else.

The key success for this project was to nail what the hero wants. Through our research and StoryBrand messaging process, we uncovered the hook, that their clients (hero) wants to redefine what’s possible in serving the needs of older adults with their unique projects.

This clarity helped us clarify the rest of their story and design a simple but effective StoryBrand website for Silvermark.

Multimedia Makeup Academy

Most makeup enthusiasts struggle to build a fulfilling career as a makeup artist, so Multimedia Makeup Academy created a makeup school that equips aspiring artists with the right training, coaching, and career guidance to support them throughout their journey in becoming a sought after makeup artist.

StoryBrand Website Example #3 – Makeup school
Multimedia Makeup Academy | Makeup School
Key Takeaways
  • Visuals and copy promote clarity
  • Passes the grunt-test effectively
  • Beautiful StoryBrand website design
  • Active call to action

Business Made Simple

It's hard to be successful without a clear understanding of how business works. Business Made Simple helps business leaders take the mystery out of growing a business with helpful courses, so you can experience growth and greater revenue in your business.

StoryBrand Website Example 10 - Business Made Simple Book
The Business Made Simple BookVisit the site here.
Key Takeaways
  • Simple but clean site for a book launch
  • Great use of video to engage the reader
  • One consistent call to action throughout the site

Claremont Diamonds (Jewellery StoryBrand Example)

StoryBrand Website Example #5 – Claremont Diamonds
Claremont Diamonds
Key Takeaways for this Wordpress eCommerce StoryBrand Website
  • Beautiful StoryBrand website design
  • Compelling StoryBrand Brandscript
  • Invites the hero into the story clearly
  • No stock imagery – always a plus

Ian Martin

StoryBrand Website Example #6 – IanMartin
IanMartin Group
Key Takeaways
  • Strong empathetic statement and authority section
  • Minimal copy but effective copy throughout the site

Mini Goldendoodle Puppies

StoryBrand Website Example #7 – Mini Goldendoodle Puppies
Mini Goldendoodle Puppies
Key Takeaways
  • Beautiful photos
  • Clear headline and copy
  • Easy to navigate website

Match Field

StoryBrand Website Example #8 – Matchfield
Key Takeaways
  • Clear headline copy
  • Establishes authority right out of the gate, which for their business is a good move

Sanitation Conversation

StoryBrand Website Example #9 – Sanitation Conversation
Sanitation Conversation
Key Takeaways
  • Clean StoryBrand website design throughout the site
  • Love the active success bucket below the hero video
  • Active Call to Action "Get Certified Now"

Medicare School

StoryBrand Website Example #10 – Medicare School
Medicare School by LoneCreative
Key Takeaways
  • Methodically, the home page checks off the entire StoryBrand Marketing Framework
  • Clear call to action
  • Concise copy throughout


StoryBrand Website Example #11 – StructureCraft Mass Timber
StructureCraft Storybrand website example
Key Takeaways
  • Though not a traditional StoryBrand site, it does check off key aspects of the StoryBrand framework
  • Clear and concise headline
  • Focus on client success and their projects

See below for tips how to implement the StoryBrand marketing framework for your business.


Another beautiful design. Remember, the StoryBrand website framework is a guide. Within the framework, you have flexibility to move and modify the modules. Genki Instruments is not your traditional StoryBrand website example but it passes the marks of a clear and engaging website.

Genki Instruments
Genki Instrument

When you have a new breakthrough innovative product, video becomes paramount. Genki is a great example of how to use video on your website to communicate what success will look like for your customers.

EZ IT Solutions (IT StoryBrand Example)

We had so much fun working on the StoryBrand messaging and website for EZ IT Solutions. As far as IT websites go, everyone loves to talk about themselves; forgetting that up time and security should be non negotiables as part of a great service.

EZ IT Solutions takes a different approach because of their commitment to the overall success of their clients.

EZ IT Solutions

Check out the one-liner for EZ IT Solutions:

Most IT support services are designed to maintain the status quo. EZ IT Solutions protects your present while preparing you for the future, so you always have the right technology to innovate, compete, and grow.

Did you catch the problem, solution and results?

  • Problem: Most IT support services are designed to maintain the status quo
  • Solution: EZ IT Solutions protects your present while preparing you for the future
  • Result: so you always have the right technology to innovate, compete, and grow.

Stay tuned for more StoryBrand example websites.

What is StoryBrand?

StoryBrand is a marketing framework that leverages the principles of storytelling to help brands communicate more effectively.

It was developed by Donald Miller and focuses on creating clear and engaging marketing messages that position customers as the hero of a story, with the brand acting as a guide to help them overcome their problems and achieve their goals.

What makes a StoryBrand Website Successful?

Clarity and beauty are foundational to a high-performing StoryBrand website. A successful website also:

  • Is fast, easy to maintain, and integrates with your existing systems
  • Optimized to rank well on Google
  • Easy for your visitors to use and encourages them to take key actions
  • Scalable and modular that grows as your needs and business grows
  • Accessible to all users and works on any device, and any screen size

A great StoryBrand website checks all these boxes.

There are 10 sections to an effective Storybrand website:

  1. The header
  2. The stakes
  3. The value proposition
  4. The Guide
  5. The Plan
  6. The explanatory paragraph
  7. The video (optional)
  8. The Price (optional)
  9. Lead generator
  10. The Footer  aka Junk Drawer

01. The Header

The header is the top section of your website and the first impression a visitor has about your business.

You get this wrong, you lose.

According to Neilson Norman Group:

Users often leave Web pages in 10–20 seconds, but pages with a clear value proposition can hold people’s attention for much longer. To gain several minutes of user attention, you must clearly communicate your value proposition within 10 seconds.

NNGroup How Long Do Users Stay on Web Pages?

Your header needs to include:

  1. A clear and concise statement of what you offer. This is known as your title.
  2. A relevant image that represents your product or clients. This could also be a video background that communicates how your product makes your customer’s life better

And, answer three questions that customers visiting your Site are asking themselves:

  1. What do you offer? This is your clear and concise statement of what you offer
  2. How will it make my life better? 3 points that highlight what your customer will gain from what doing business with you
  3. How do I buy it? Yes, a clear call to action i.e. Schedule a Free Call, Buy Now
Multimedia Makeup Academy - clearly states what it does and how it will make your life better as an aspiring makeup artist
Storybrand headline example
Leads at Scale - helps your business get well-qualified leads at scale. More quality leads = more growth

02. The Stakes

This is where you talk about the problem your customer faces and the cost of not doing business with you.

Go back to your Brandscript, and look at principle #2 and principle #7. Use language from the failure bucket you came up with. Your client needs to know what they’re losing if they fail to engage with your product/service.

This also helps offset the price of your product. 

For example: if your service costs $10,000 but the client stands to gain $110,000 from using your services, they need to know they’re losing at least $100,000 by not doing business with you.

Example PCCFriends.ca
Storybrand.com website stakes
Storybrand.com | Uses bullets to agitate the problem

03. The Value Proposition

The essence of marketing is the message and the essence of the message is the value proposition. -Flint McGlaughlin

The stake section above highlights what you are helping your customers overcome or avoid and in the Value Proposition section, you highlight what value will your customer get if they do business with you. 

Another way to look at this through the lens of your customers. "If I’m your ideal customer, why should I buy from you rather than your competitors?"

Your value proposition helps your prospective clients understand what they get in exchange for giving you their money.

Ensure your value propositions are specific and be visual. You need to ask only two questions to get specific and clear:

  1. What's in it for me?
  2. Why you and not one of your competitors?

For example, will your product or service:

  • Save customers money?
  • Save them time?
  • Will it reduce their risk?
  • Will it simplify their life or help them avoid a hassle?
Value proposition example
Papa Steve's Value Proposition Example

If you sell custom jewelry your value proposition could be:

  • Pay on average 25% less on the highest quality diamonds
  • Design a custom ring that matches the style of the one you love
  • Free lifetime cleaning service with every custom ring

You want to list at least 3 or 4 added values your customer will receive when they do business with you.

04. The Guide

As a Storybrand Certified Guide, I took an oath that I will "obsess over my client’s success." This means, my goal as a guide is not to take my client’s money but get them a shocking return on their investment. The only way I can succeed at that, is by making sure their business succeed.

Essentially that is the role of the guide - you need to be committed to helping your customers overcome their problems.

As a guide, you’re going to fall in love with your customer’s problem.

In this section of your website, you want to clearly express empathy for the problem/challenge your customer is facing, while demonstrating credibility (or competency).

Here are a few examples:

  • Testimonials like Google Reviews
  • Case studies of before and after
  • Logos of companies you’ve worked with
  • Stats of how many people you’ve helped or number of clients you’ve helped
Casper - example
Testimonial example from Intercom

Check out  pages 82 to 92 of the Marketing Made Simple for more information.

05. The Plan

This is simply the process plan in how your customer can do business with you. The Storybrand framework recommends a three-step plan. You can use four, but it’s recommended to keep to three.

What I love to do here is also add an incentive to help customers to take an action. Here are a couple of examples:

The Plan - storybrand example from Casper
Casper's plan is actually a helpful call to action to help speak with a specialist on which mattress will be right for you
Sanitation Conversation - Storybrand website example
Sanitation Conversation - a Storybrand client
Leads at Scale - example
LeadsatScale.com a Storybrand client clearly outlines the plan in getting started

06. The Explanatory Paragraph

What’s more important, brevity or clarity?

Think about that for a moment - most websites make the mistake of having copy that leans on declaring things but fall short on helping customers understand.

It’s not about brevity but clarity. Clarity always trumps brevity.

The best use of this section is to include the copy from your Brandscript. The explanatory paragraph could also benefit your SEO.

07. The Video (optional)

One effective use of video is to use your Brandscript copy. This is where you as the business owner can speak directly to your potential customer about their unique challenges.

To increase video engagement:

  • Test different video thumbnails (covers)
  • Add a headline above your video
  • Make sure the video looks and feels like a video (so make the video player big)

To increase audience retention:

  • Be sure to keep your videos short.
  • If you see a major drop-off in the first 20 seconds (every video will lose a lot of people, some will lose like 80%), it means your opening needs work :D


09. Your Lead Generating PDF

Every good website has an effective lead generating asset where you give value for free for an exchange of an email address.

If you’ve read my article about why StoryBrand lead generators are so persuasive, you know that when you provide value for free, customers feel indebted to you and your brand - even if it's not conscious. When you give away great content and value, customers want to return the favor and are more likely to want to do business with you.

Make sure in this section you include:

  • A description of your lead-generating asset
  • Ensure it offers immediate value to your clients
  • And that it creates a sense of reciprocity

10. Junk Drawer (Your footer)

All those links you used to highlight on your main navigation are now put down below, in your junk drawer.

You want to keep your main navigation bar clean to prevent decision fatigue and direct visitors to your main call to action and transitional call to action.

The footer is a perfect place to include your About, Careers, Social Media Links, and FAQ.

Helpful StoryBrand Resources

  1. Mystorybrand.com - a great way to collaborate and share your Brandscript with your team members
  2. A 30-minute free call to review and refine your Brandscript with me, a Certified StoryBrand Guide
  3. Download below a powerful StoryBrand template from my playbook

Download my powerful StoryBrand website blueprint for free 

If you want to practice incorporating your StoryBrand message using a StoryBrand Website Blueprint, we think you'll love our high-converting wireframe.

Simply click below to download the blueprint - no email required. It's free to use.

Storybrand website wireframe for download

Have your Website Reviewed by a Certified StoryBrand Guide (Free Offer)

Need help with your StoryBrand messaging and StoryBrand website? 

Schedule a call with a StoryBrand Certified Guide.

More StoryBrand Insights.