Your USPs. The Secret Sauce of Your StoryBrand Authority

You know you're the guide.

But do your clients?

That's where USPs (unique selling points) come in.

They're not just buzzwords.

They're your authority amplified.

Why USPs matter in StoryBrand:

  1. They prove you've got the chops.
  2. They set you apart from the crowd.
  3. They show you understand the hero's journey.

But here's the rub:

Most B2B brands fumble their USPs.

Not because they're not awesome.

But because they're too close to see what makes them special.

Sound familiar?

Let's fix that.

Ask yourself:

  1. What battle scars match your clients'?
  2. What's your 'been there, done that' story?
  3. How have you guided others to victory?
  4. What makes your approach unique?
  5. What values drive your business?
  6. What can you do that your competitors can't touch?

Take a breath.

Dig deep.

Now, connect the dots.

Look for themes.

Find the golden thread.

Pick 3-5 standout points.

These are your USPs.

Your authority builders.

Use them wisely.

Weave them into your StoryBrand script.

Let them shine in your empathy statements.


Clear trumps clever.

Authentic beats artificial.

And relevance?

It's your secret weapon.

Now go show your clients why you're the guide they need.

Their hero's journey awaits.

And you've got the map.

Want some examples?

Let's look at a few examples of strong and relevant USPs that effectively communicate each company's unique value proposition to their target audience.

Example 1 from

Key takeaways...

  1. Scale: "Designed to help you scale" - This directly addresses a key customer need.
  2. Flexibility: "From small startups to publicly traded enterprises" - Shows versatility.
  3. Customer-centric: "Delighting our customers... remains at the heart of every decision we make"
  4. Performance metrics: The colored boxes show specific improvements for different clients, which is very compelling.
  5. Reliability: "99.98% Platform uptime" and "99% Customer satisfaction score" are strong trust indicators.

These USPs effectively communicate the platform's capabilities, reliability, and customer focus.

Example 2 from Greenlight Traffic Engineering

Greenlight Traffic Engineering

The USPs here are clear and relevant to their target audience:

  1. "100% Traffic Engineering focus" - Shows specialization.
  2. "Traffic Engineering expertise" - Highlights their deep knowledge.
  3. "24/7 support" - Demonstrates commitment to client needs.

These USPs effectively position Greenlight as experts in their field with a strong customer service focus.

Example 3 from Immuta


The USPs here are implied rather than explicitly stated, but they're still strong:

  1. Simplify operations: "93x fewer data policies"
  2. Improve data security: Helps prove compliance with regulations
  3. Unlock data's value: "100x faster data access"

These USPs address key pain points in data security and management, making them relevant and compelling.

Example 4 from Creativeo (our own website) - StoryBrand Marketing Agency

The USPs here are clear and focused on the value proposition:

  1. "An in-depth process" - Suggests thoroughness and expertise.
  2. "A complete process" - Indicates a comprehensive solution.
  3. "A process focused on ROI" - Directly addresses business value.
  4. Guaranteed ROI - A strong commitment to results.

These USPs effectively communicate our agency's approach and value to our ideal clients.

Example 5 Lean Startup

Lean Startup Consultancy

The USPs here are quantifiable and relevant:

  1. "300+ Lean Startup Engagements" - Demonstrates extensive experience.
  2. "24 Years" average team experience - Highlights expertise.
  3. "45% Repeat Customers" - Indicates client satisfaction and value.

These USPs effectively showcase the company's experience and track record of success.

Ready to Nail Your USPs?

Don't let your ideal clients wander.

Be the guide they're looking for.

We can help.

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